an artist’s statement by Joseph Nechvatal for his May exhibit at Universal Concepts Unlimited

The work of "vOluptuary" (1) unflappably stands up against all forms of sexual hierarchicalism. In its place it proposes (depicts) what I am calling an "algorithmic hermaphornology": which is my attempt at pointing us again (this time through the use of digitalia) towards a visual poetics of becoming androgynously circular (both solar and telluric). This, of course, necessitates a re-commitment to our transfigurating imaginations.

To accomplish this circuit, "vOluptuary: an algorithic hermaphornology" makes use of what Gilles Deleuze has called ‘pornology’ (2) for here representations of the intimate body associated with sexuality (of both sexes) undergo an intricate re-combination and subsequent intermixture with flowers. Of crucial interest to "vOluptuary: an algorithic hermaphornology" is the origin of the hermaphroditic androgyny image. This hybrid image first appears in Ovid’s classic text ‘Metamorphoses’ - and perhaps this emergence is well worth recounting here. The hermaphrodite initially occurs in Western culture as a son of Hermes and Aphrodite named Hermaphroditus.
Hermaphroditus was a typical, if exceptionally handsome, young male with whom the water nympth Salmacis fell madly in love. When Hermaphroditus rejected her sexual advances, Salmacis voyeuristicly observed him from afar while desiring him fiercely. Finally, one spring day Hermaphroditus stripped nude and dove into the pool of water which was Salmacis’s habitat. Salmacis immediately dove in after him - embracing him and wrapping her body around his, just as, Ovid says, ivy does around a tree. She then prayed to the gods that she would never be separated from him – a prayer that they answered favorably. Consequently, Hermaphroditus emerged from the pool both man and woman.

As the tale of Hermaphroditus suggests, "vOluptuary: an algorithic hermaphornology" is a show of androgyny eroticism married to flowery virtuality (3), incomprehensible transformation, and, of course, immersive excess. It aims to depict an imagined realm of political-spiritual chaosmos where new forms of sexual order arise such that any form of order is only temporary and provisional. Obviously this sphere is attained through an emergent operation, and, indeed, I take abundant pleasure in the forms of pan-order that arise within its swelling processes. The point is that within "vOluptuary: an algorithic hermaphornology" all sexual signs are subject to boundless semiosis - which is to say that they are translatable into other signs. Here, of course, it is possible to find resonances and affinities between sexual opposites. Here we can always articulate new sexes within. Here a chameleon-like sexual demeanor is being built from the virtual abyss.

This self-pleasure is socially beneficial too in that the patriarchal construction of woman as other and the female body as object is deeply rooted in the supposed duality (opposites) of the two sexes. Most feminist theory questions this patriarchal construction of sex and gender, suggesting that sex is expressed through a continuum, rather than as an opposing couplet based on heterosexist male/female polarities. Accordingly, within my vOluptuary multiverse, containments designed for womanhood/manhood are subverted by the presentation of ambiguous genitalia - the mutable image and performance of pan-sexuality. Gender here is viewed as an act of becoming. Here gender performance fails to sustain sex oppression by ceasing to draw the boundaries of the Other. As such it is a provocation not only to male/female constructions of heterosexuality, but also to homosexual constructions of identity. This critique of representation in the aesthetic sense is part of a critique of representation in the political sense (and vice versa). Art here is seen as political in the sense that it is a site of pretty power struggles which are destined to fail to win. So, within "vOluptuary: an algorithic hermaphornology" no one fathoms whether they are female or male. All rest between male and female, between straight and gay, between dominant and submissive - nothing but curves and clefts. All is in a matrix of possibilities, self-assembled out of a flowery excess of erogenous organs.

(1) The word ‘voluptuary’ generally means ‘devoted to pleasure’. It comes from a Late-Latin variant of the Latin voluptarius / voluptas.
(2) Pornology is aimed at confronting an idea with its own limits. The idea is rendered precise in Deleuze’s essay ‘Klossowski or Bodies-Language’ which is found in his book ‘The Logic of Sense’. Here Deleuze develops the term "pornology" so as to describe the dynamic of a transcendental empiricism in the circuit Klossowski establishes between theology, as a divine belief structure, and pornography, as a perverse expression of the body.
(3) One here thinks of Alan Turing (the grandfather of computing) and his horrid endurance of a quack treatment for his homosexuality where he was overdosed with female hormones to the point where he developed breasts.

ick cOde (n) everdrOid: the sacre andrOgyne
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
70 x 100 inches (diptych)
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal

vOluptuary drOid décOlletage
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
66 x 120 inches
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal

us enhanced feerique OrnO
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
66 x 56 inches
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal

interlacement immersiOnO
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
86 x 76 inches
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal

the birth Of the viractual
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
70 x 70 inches
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal

pansexual feeriquer (delicate)
computer-robotic assisted acrylic on canvas
51 x 96 inches
by Joseph Nechvatal
© 2001 Joseph Nechvatal